
Facing the Holiday Season with Hope

Hope. To many that live through heartbreaking divorce, that sunny word can understandably equate to a novel lover! Ready or not, the calendar turned to November, & it’s normal to fantasize if a soulmate can be your missing piece in this Holiday’s LEXUS & Kay Jewelers commercials. Ooh… introducing your new fling at Thanksgiving dinner could 1 & done simplify your kids & extended family introduction! Think again, Friends…

  • It all sounds romantic, but please ask yourself: Am I really ready to be in a relationship? Have I truly done my divorce grief work? Counseling? Could my “patience” & self-help books by the Christmas tree now…buy me a more fulfilling partner Gift… next year?
  • Remember this Season is also a loss of family traditions for your kids. Do you need to prioritize creating new rituals with your kids?
  • If your gut says your kids are ready for the boyfriend/girlfriend introduction, light your “lamp”, embrace this grey & cold weather, grab your favorite pumpkin beverage, & watch this VLOG first. Treat yourself to a 15 minute deserved break…

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