
School Daze Part Three: What to Tell the Teacher

Tell CHild's Teacher about DIvorce

School Daze Part Three: What to Tell the Teacher

School Daze: A Four-Part series addressing the challenges kids face going back to school after their parents separate or divorce.

Navigating the emotional upheavals and adjustments of divorce may be challenging for your child. Since most of a child’s day is spent at school, their teachers interact with them on a regular basis. A caring teacher can be a great ally for a child of divorce. Without going into details, advise your child’s teacher(s) of your divorce or separation. Let school administrators, guidance counselors, social workers and your child’s coach know the situation. Make sure they know they can contact you right away if an issue arises.

Under the Radar

During the divorce, children may feel scared, angry, insecure or depressed. They often try to hide these negative feelings in an effort to protect their parents. And the already stressed-out parents may misinterpret their child’s seeming calmness as a positive indication of his or her feelings, but actually they may be trying to avoid making the situation worse.

Early Warning System

Informing a teacher about a pending or recent divorce or separation enables her to watch out for any academic or emotional struggles your child exhibits at school. Early detection can alert you to changes in your child’s behavior that may not be apparent at home.

Emergency Shelter

Much in your child’s world is in flux, but school offers a safe harbor of consistency. Children can count on having the same teachers, classmates, classrooms and routines for the school year. Not only does it provide stability but, when informed of the family’s situation, teachers can also provide specific support, such as reading assignments, individual attention and group discussions.


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