
Boo! Facing Your Divorce Fears

Quote: “Meditation helps to change your perspective. It improves the way you perceive things. It improves your interaction with people around you-what you say, how you react & act in different situations…” -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Amy Reflection: Navigating through the divorce process can feel like a Haunted Halloween Walk through a dark forest, with creepy skeletons & freaky clowns popping out to shake your core. You scream in terror, take a deep breath…until the next demon grabs your legs from underneath the rickety bridge. Shine your flashlight right back on the scary things, friends…

  • Choose to step out of the overwhelming forest. Find a safe spot to breathe. Feel the fear, & ask for clarity. You will start to see changes in your reactions to provocative lawyer emails, combative ex communications, & the heart panging triggers. Newly perceiving someone through eyes of compassion greatly shrinks any monster. The mental, emotional, physical energy & money you will save is eerily good!
  • ASK your kids if they have any ghosts of divorce BOO!ing them. Ensure them you have all the glowsticks in the world to help them confront these “Tricks”, so they can still enjoy all the “Treats” of these innocent years! And HAPPY Halloween to all that!

This Weeks Featured Resource: 

Why Consider Counseling for Children of Divorce


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